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Статья: Uncooled microbolometer detector: recent developments at ULIS

Uncooled infrared focal plane arrays are being developed for a wide range of thermal imaging applications. Fire-fighting,
predictive maintenance, process control and thermography are a few of the industrial applications which could take benefit
from uncooled infrared detector. Therefore, to answer these markets, a 35-μm pixel-pitch uncooled IR detector technology
has been developed enabling high performance 160 ́120 and 384 ́288 arrays production. Besides a wide-band version from
uncooled 320 ́240/45 μm array has been also developed in order to address process control and more precisely industrial
furnaces control. The ULIS amorphous silicon technology is well adapted to manufacture low cost detector in mass produc-
tion. After some brief microbolometer technological background, we present the characterization of 35 μm pixel-pitch detec-
tor as well as the wide-band 320 ́240 infrared focal plane arrays with a pixel pitch of 45 μm

Формат документа: pdf
Год публикации: 2006
Кол-во страниц: 8 страниц
Загрузил(а): Неизвестно
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