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The paper deals with the philosophical and methodological aspects of the geosystems, or geographical systems, doctrine evolution. Attention is drawn to undesirable tendencies in this evolution, manifested in giving some aspects of the doctrine the appearance of fundamental principles. It shows general scientific dialectic base of the classical variant of the geosystem doctrine as it was developed by its founder academician V. B. Sochava. It emphasizes the inconsistency of particular principles of the doctrine on geosystems as a metascientific paradigm developed later and being developed at present, the relative fundamentality and viability of the classical and widely interpreted, “imperfect” concepts, allowing to operate them in a wide range of aspects of geographical (and not only) knowledge, in particular, using the example of the geosystem doctrine.
The structure of a virus and its interaction with cells is considered from the standpoint of systems theory for the first time. The substantiation of attributing the virus to a complex system and a living organism is given. The natural process of interaction between complex systems that are higher in the hierarchy than a virus is carried out through the exchange of information embedded in their code. The general mechanism of interaction between living complex systems is predicted by exchanging the systems that are on a lower hierarchy level. The regularity of changes not only in organisms and cells, but also in viruses during their interactions and mutations is substantiated on the basis of the laws of systems theory.